November 19, 2014

Where is Opportunity in a Low Return Environment?

Bill Ramsay

We’ve now had five and a half years of double digit average annual gains in the US stock market.

For many investors this outcome was hard to imagine in the depths of the Great Recession. Fear dominated and the future looked bleak causing many investors to sell stocks at the wrong time.

Our instincts can often send us in the wrong direction when investing, especially at market extremes, which is why we put so much emphasis on research.

For detailed information on Financial Symmetry’s market outlook in a low return environment, you can view the PDF here.

Where is the Opportunity in a Low Return Environment.


November 19, 2014


Bill Ramsay is a Certified Financial Planner™ and owner of Financial Symmetry, Inc. Bill is often interviewed for industry publications such as Financial Planning, Inside Information, Journal of Financial Planning, and Investment Advisor. He is a frequent guest for The Triangle Business Journal’s annual financial roundtable discussions. Bill has also been interviewed for national financial publications like The Wall Street Journal and Barron’s as well as general news publications such as Newsweek and the Raleigh News and Observer.


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