Wealth Management

Wealth Management Advisors

Core Wealth Management Services

Our wealth management service provides continuous monitoring and implementation of your financial plan, adapting as your situation becomes more complex.

Working in a wealth management relationship with FSI, you’ll have a team on your side to answer your ongoing financial questions and offer guidance throughout life’s unexpected financial situations.

Disciplined Investment Management Service

An effective investment strategy involves discipline, research, and a defined process.

Estate Review

Our review helps ensure that your last wishes align with your beneficiary designations and existing legal documents.

Cash Flow Summary

We’re here to provide feedback on how you are doing compared to your plan for your spending and savings goals.

Tax Planning Opportunities

We identify and take action on available tax-saving opportunities for you.

Tax Return Review

Our tax return review process may identify overlooked tax-saving efficiencies for amending your return and/or for future planning.

The Wealth Management Difference

A one-time financial plan identifies current opportunities and offers potential long-term scenarios but isn’t suitable for multi-year advice due to changing life circumstances. Wealth management, with its annual analysis and ongoing attention, provides a more personalized approach and recommendations based on your current needs.

Wealth Management
Financial Planning
Detailed Financial / Retirement Plan
Blueprint for Savings / Spending Targets
Investment Strategy / Implementation
Behavioral Coaching,
Customized Portfolio for Every Client
Tax Planning
Roth Conversions, DAF, QCD
Monitor Actual Results to Plan Targets
Updates During Year
Estate Reviews
Considers Life / Family Changes
Risk Reviews
Peace of Mind
Tax Return Preparation
Consolidation of professionals
Other Ongoing Financial Questions
Benefits of WM Measured
  1. 1x and future changes will require engaging Financial Symmetry for our WM service or a new 1x plan
  2. Available for WM clients for an additional fee

Your wealth management team will tailor these strategies to your unique needs

Contact us today to see if our wealth management service is right for you.

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Pershing Account