June 28, 2011

Financial Symmetry Promotes Heather Gudac to Operations Manager

Heather Gudac

Financial Symmetry, Inc. has recently promoted Heather Gudac to Operations Manager.

Upon graduation from NC State University with a B.S. in Business Management – Finance, Heather joined Financial Symmetry, Inc. (FSI) as their Operations Specialist and Office Manager in 2008. She began her career with the firm as a financial planning intern in late 2006.

As Financial Symmetry has continued to grow, so has Heather’s role within the company. In addition to her responsibilities of assisting with portfolio administration and growth management, and overseeing the company’s internship program, Heather’s new position includes managing a growing operations team. Working closely with FSI’s advisors, Heather coordinates new account transitions, supervises account maintenance and guides our clients though qualified account rollovers and distributions processes.  Heather also assists FSI’s primary advisors with financial planning projects by gathering and organizing data through client communications.

Heather maintains her position as FSI’s office manager, handling the day-to-day operations within the company. Going forward, she is looking forward to improving and establishing new operational processing that will benefit FSI’s clientele in each of their fee-only services.

For more information about Heather and what she does for Financial Symmetry, click here to read her bio, or contact her by email, hgudac@financialsymmetry.com, or by phone, (919) 851-8200 ext. 205.


June 28, 2011


Heather is our Chief Operating Officer and partner with the firm. Heather is responsible for overseeing operations across our firm to enhance the quality of our client relationships. She began her career with Financial Symmetry in 2006 as an intern and became a shareholder in 2013.

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