Understanding the Average Investor

Don’t Be an Average Investor, Ep #9

When signing up our daughter for soccer, I immediately began daydreaming about how she would dominate all the other 5 year-olds on the field. Not sure why my imagination started there, but expectations were sprouting before I knew it.  I…

Investing Is A Lot Like Jeans…

It isn’t uncommon to ask yourself, “Why doesn’t everyone just hold the same investments, since we all want to make money?” However, the process of creating and maintaining an investment portfolio is everything but one-size-fits-all. Most individuals and families have…

Are You Missing Tax Opportunities?

I’m not sure about you, but we haven’t met many people that wouldn’t love to lower their tax payments. As we move in to the heart of tax season, do you find yourself wondering every year around this time, what other…

Are Financial Advisors Worth the Fee?

I recently read an article on how to save $1 million. The answer: “Fire your financial advisor.” As a financial advisor and the father of four young children, it got me thinking: Do I need to switch careers? And, more…

Download our 5 Questions to Ask Your Financial Advisor eBook

We break down some of the most important questions we are asked on a regular basis.

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