Debt Ceiling Redux

That famous line from Yogi Berra “it’s déjà vu all over again” applies this week after House Speaker, John Boehner vowed to block any debt ceiling increase unless it were offset by spending cuts. Democrats argue that increasing tax revenues have…

JP Morgan – A Lesson in Overconfidence Bias

Behavioral Finance defines several investor biases that tend to inhibit financial success. The recent news of JP Morgan’s $2 billion loss demonstrates the danger that an overconfidence bias can be to your portfolio. Overconfidence bias is fairly self explanatory, but…

Economic Wildcards – Outlook Update

Two wildcards continue to cause us to be somewhat cautious- Europe and US politics.  In Europe, it appears more and more likely that the European Union’s austerity drive is continuing to depress the weaker nations and thus actually make their…

Is the End of ‘Snail Mail’ Near?

There has been a lot of talk in the news lately about the troubles the United States Postal Service (USPS) is facing.  While our postal system has followed a national standard for more than 100 years, delivering our mail “whether…

Graduation - James Almond

Who should pay for College?

One of the biggest financial questions that many of our clients face is the funding of their children’s college education. Adding stress to an already frightening prospect is the rapid rate at which college costs are increasing. Families also face…

Set It and Forget It

A few years ago I wrote about the rise of target date funds in retirement plans. At the time, the Senate Special Committee on Aging was proposing legislation that would require target date fund managers to take on fiduciary responsibility. …

Clark Howard’s Investment Strategy

Whether you’ve watched him on Headline News, listened to his radio program or read one of his books, Clark Howard has established a loyal following. He is a national financial voice who’s known for helping consumers “save more, spend less…

3 Tips to Avoid A Stolen Tax Refund

There you are awaiting your tax refund, only to find it has already been claimed by someone else.  Scammers are ever on the cutting-edge of new ways to swindle you out of your money. One of the newest forms of…

Tax Refund for your Mustache?

In the midst of tax season, the American Mustache Institute is proposing a tax benefit for people with facial hair.  The Institute is planning a Million Mustache March this April 1st to support the “STACHE ACT,” Stimulus to Allow Critical…

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