Why you need a Financial Plan

Do you ever ask yourself, “At what age can I retire?” Or, “Am I saving enough to help pay for my child’s college education or buy a new home?” These are financial goals and the best way to answer these…

5 College Planning Myths

This month’s issue of Money magazine features an article entitled Busting the 5 Myths of College Costs. The landscape of saving and ultimately paying for college has been constantly changing over the past several years and it is important to…

Planning the End of Your Life

We are an aging population in the US.  In 2009, there were 39.6 million people over the age of 65.  In 2030, there is expected to be 72 million in that age bracket which will be about 19% of the…

It’s That Time Again…

Just get back from vacation? Planning a vacation soon? Know how you’re doing with your budget this year? Most people’s response is “No.” Now is most likely not the time you are thinking about your expenses or motivated to check-in on…

What are Healthcare Savings Accounts?

With the Affordable Care Act (“Obamacare”) becoming law in 2014 it is expected Healthcare Savings Accounts (HSAs) will get more attention. An overview of HSAs are detailed below in the article from the Financial Planning Association®, but in summary if…

Mike Eklund Joins Financial Symmetry’s Team of Advisors

Mike Eklund, CRPC®, will begin advising clients of Financial Symmetry. Mike joined Financial Symmetry’s team in September of 2012 after making a career transition from the banking industry to personal financial planning. His new responsibilities will include: Working with existing…

IRS Scandal

For an agency used to asking a lot of questions, the IRS is having a lot of trouble coming up with answers about who knew what and when regarding two separate scandals. Already under fire for targeting conservative groups through…

Download our 5 Questions to Ask Your Financial Advisor eBook

We break down some of the most important questions we are asked on a regular basis.

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