FSI’s 5th Annual Client Appreciation Night

Our 5th Annual Client Appreciation Night was held on April 24th– a beautiful Friday night–as the Durham Bulls took on the Gwinette Braves.  The game was spectacular–ending in a walk-off home run followed by what many describe as the best…

Mike Eklund Becomes Newest Partner at Financial Symmetry

Mike Eklund has become the newest partner at Financial Symmetry, Inc., a locally-owned, fee-only financial planning and investment management firm. Eklund states, “It is an honor and privilege to become Financial Symmetry’s newest business partner. It is exciting to be…

Take Control of Your Taxes

With April 15th now behind us, were you surprised by a large amount owed or a large refund? In some cases large amounts owed or refunded are a result of the withholding choices each employee chooses at the beginning of…

Why You Should Use a Health Savings Account

HSA. For some, those letters look like the word “has” that was missed on the auto spell check. Actually, it stands for a health savings account and is a tax triple threat. Meaning, you get a front page tax deduction when depositing…

Lessons from The Millionaire Next Door

Are people with a big house or fancy car wealthy? Many would say yes, but the best-selling book, The Millionaire Next Door, written by Thomas J. Stanley and William D. Danko twenty years ago proves these beliefs wrong. Unfortunately, one…

What Are You Waiting For?

Maybe you’ve heard people express fearful thoughts about how and when to invest. Maybe you’ve even expressed this thought yourself recently: “I know we are holding too much cash in our portfolio but with the stock market near all-time highs,…

Inheritance – 3 Steps to Handle the Details

You find out you’re receiving an inheritance and the first thing that comes to mind is – What next? Inheritances can provide incredible flexibility but without effective financial planning, you may miss some of the organized steps needed to get…

Download our 5 Questions to Ask Your Financial Advisor eBook

We break down some of the most important questions we are asked on a regular basis.

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