Top 10 Most Read Posts of 2015

We spend a lot of time researching topics and discovering opportunities that our clients should be thinking about. Many of these include ways to better optimize your financial situation so that it is structured as efficiently as it can be…

Should I Invest in China in 2016?

China has started 2016 off with a bang! Here’s what’s happened thus far. The Shanghai Composit Index (SCI) fell 11.96% during the week of January 1st through January 7th, making it the worst week in the history of the Chinese…

2016 Contribution Limits

Looking forward for 2016 contributions, the limits have stayed the same. A very good practice is to contribute enough of your salary to receive at least the employer match. Also, pay raises often present an easy opportunity to increase your…

Deciding Whether Active or Passive Funds Are Right for You

The most fundamental issue facing fund investors is also the subject of what might be the most hotly contested debate in the financial services industry: Are actively managed funds or passively managed funds the better option? Actively managed funds are run…

Am I Saving Enough? Here’s How to Tell, Ep #1

During our first meeting, a 55-year-old couple asked, “How do you think we’re doing for people our age? Are we saving enough?” This is a good question, one I’m often asked. People want to know how they measure up. They…

Maximize your Money

On this Thursday, December 10, Allison Berger, CFP® will participate in “Maximize your Money,” a NAPFA retirement webchat in conjunction with Kiplinger.  This event offers free financial advice to consumers who may not otherwise be able to afford traditional financial…

Download our 5 Questions to Ask Your Financial Advisor eBook

We break down some of the most important questions we are asked on a regular basis.

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