Am I Going to Have to Pay More for Medicare?

Healthcare costs in retirement can make up a significant portion of a retiree’s budget. Fortunately, most individuals age 65 and above qualify for Medicare, which can aid in providing stability in your health insurance coverage and expected out of pocket…

Here’s the Prescription

As much as I value the unfettered access to information the internet provides, I recognize the potential harm that too much information can cause. Take, for example, a friend of mine, who was experiencing some troubling medical symptoms. Typing her…

4 Secrets to a Happy Retirement, Ep #76

If asked, most people are hopeful they will have a happy retirement. They’re just not sure they’re taking all the necessary steps to get there. We all have those moments in our busy lives where we stop and ponder, am…

Why Should You Diversify?

When international stock returns lag, investors may feel tempted to double down on their home market. Historical data suggests the long-term benefits of diversifying globally. Why Should You Diversify? With US stocks outperforming non-US stocks in recent years, some investors…

2019 Contribution Limits

For 2019, just about all of the contribution limits have increased. A very good practice is to contribute enough of your salary to receive at least the employer match. Also, pay raises often present an easy opportunity to increase your…

Top 5 Blog Posts from 2018

The end of the year is quickly approaching, so we thought it would be fun to close out the year with our top 5 blog posts from 2018! Here’s our 5 most read posts from this past year, with an…

Download our 5 Questions to Ask Your Financial Advisor eBook

We break down some of the most important questions we are asked on a regular basis.

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