Are You Prepared Financially for a Divorce?

Divorce is one of life’s most challenging transitions. If you are recently divorced, currently going through a divorce or considering one, are you prepared financially? Unfortunately, divorce can bring many unpleasant financial surprises, particularly for women.  Here are some items…

Tips for Avoiding a Post-COVID Spending Boom

Remember how a year ago we could barely eat at restaurants, and there was hardly any traveling going on?  Many individuals and households spent a lot less in the lockdown months of 2020-2021 than they usually do, which resulted in…

2nd Quarter 2021 Market Update

This brief video includes recent updates on the global stock and bond markets. In addition, please contact your Financial Symmetry team if you have any specific questions regarding your portfolio, our strategy or performance. Click on the video below to…

FSI Celebrates 20 Years!

Financial Symmetry is proud to celebrate 20 years of living our mission to enhance the lives of our clients and communities through empowerment, education, and guidance toward financial prosperity. To celebrate we kicked off our 20th year with an employee…

Investing for Inflation, Ep #139

 Recent headlines have people thinking more about investing for inflation. It’s the most recent economic worry, but there’s always something to scare or concern investors. Think about the last 16 months. We’ve had: COVID Crash 2020 Election Reddit/Robinhood/Gamestop Crypto…

Download our 5 Questions to Ask Your Financial Advisor eBook

We break down some of the most important questions we are asked on a regular basis.

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