10 Smart Money Saving Tips!

When people think of saving money, they initially think they need to cut something they enjoy.  Instead, people should think about spending more wisely. We’ve compiled a list of cost savings ideas with little impact on your lifestyle.  The long…

Your Social Security Benefits

Social Security is one of the largest assets for most retirees, but very few understand its basic rules.  About a third of all people claim social security at age 62, but there are many benefits that are left on the…

Photo credit: Alan Cleaver

North Carolina Tax Changes – 2014

As you finalize your 2013 federal and state income tax returns you should be aware of the significant changes to North Carolina state taxes in 2014.  In July 2013, the state legislature passed a material overhaul to the state tax…

Federal Reserve Taper Decision

The Federal Reserve (“Fed”) recently announced in its January 2014 meeting that it will continue to reduce (aka taper) its bond buying from $75 billion to $65 billion per month in 2014.  The Fed has seven remaining meetings in 2014…

The Tooth Fairy is Rich!

What do you think is the average amount left by the tooth fairy? It’s a great time to be a kid with a loose tooth, because the answer is $3.70, according to a recent survey by Visa. This number varies…

Why you need a Financial Plan

Do you ever ask yourself, “At what age can I retire?” Or, “Am I saving enough to help pay for my child’s college education or buy a new home?” These are financial goals and the best way to answer these…

What are Healthcare Savings Accounts?

With the Affordable Care Act (“Obamacare”) becoming law in 2014 it is expected Healthcare Savings Accounts (HSAs) will get more attention. An overview of HSAs are detailed below in the article from the Financial Planning Association®, but in summary if…

New Healthcare Exchanges

Do you buy health insurance on your own?  One important piece of the Affordable Care Act (“Obamacare”) is the insurance exchanges.  If you get your health insurance through your employer or Medicare, it is likely little will change with your…

Buy High, Sell Low

Warran Buffett once said, “the investor of today does not profit from yesterday’s growth.”  This is never more evident than with individual investor performance in mutual funds. Morningstar, the mutual fund research company, annually calculates the difference between mutual fund…

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