Grace Rooth joins Financial Symmetry

Financial Symmetry recently expanded our Operations Department by adding Grace Rooth as an Operations Specialist. Grace graduated from NC State University with a B.S. in Business Management – Finance and a Minor in Accounting.  Shortly thereafter, Grace joined Financial Symmetry,…

FSI Participates in O’Berry Center Golf Tournament

2011 marks the fourth year that  Financial Symmetry partners have played in (and sponsored) the O’Berry Center Foundation Golf Tournament. This year, Chad Smith, CFP, and Bill Ramsay, CFP, along with two guests participated in the Foundation’s 19th annual event…

How’s Your Budgeting Coming Along?

So you’ve started tracking your budget, congratulations!  But now, you may be second-guessing a few of your category choices, or find yourself going over-budget each month. We’ve compiled a few ideas to try to help you get back on track….

Cameron Hendricks joins Financial Symmetry

Financial Symmetry recently expanded our Operations Department by adding Cameron Hendricks to our team as our new Data Specialist. Cameron joins the firm after participating in FSI’s financial planning internship program in the spring of 2010. He recently graduated from…

Client Appreciation Night with the Durham Bulls

On Thursday, August 4th, the team at Financial Symmetry hosted The First Annual Client Appreciation Night.  Dozens of clients enjoyed a night of burgers, beer and baseball as the Durham Bulls took on the Lehigh Valley Iron Pigs. Although the…

FSI Tees Up for Golden on the Green

For the past several years, Financial Symmetry has sponsored and participated in the charity golf tournament, Golden on the Green.  The tournament, which has been an annual event held at River Ridge Golf Course for the past 10 years, benefits…

There’s Still Time to Contribute to your Roth IRA!

Tax payers have until April 18th of 2011 to make their Roth contributions for the 2010 tax year. If you are within the income limitations to make contributions, a Roth IRA is an excellent investment account as investment growth is tax deferred and withdrawals in retirement can be tax free.

I Want to Rollover My Retirement Account

At Financial Symmetry, we can help you decide on what to do with your inactive qualified plan and multiple IRA accounts. Whether you are changing jobs, entering retirement or simply wanting to consolidate your accounts, we can help you with each step of the rollover process.

Download our 5 Questions to Ask Your Financial Advisor eBook

We break down some of the most important questions we are asked on a regular basis.

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