Understanding the Average Investor

Don’t Be an Average Investor, Ep #9

When signing up our daughter for soccer, I immediately began daydreaming about how she would dominate all the other 5 year-olds on the field. Not sure why my imagination started there, but expectations were sprouting before I knew it.  I…

Are You Missing Tax Opportunities?

I’m not sure about you, but we haven’t met many people that wouldn’t love to lower their tax payments. As we move in to the heart of tax season, do you find yourself wondering every year around this time, what other…

Why Monitoring Goals Matters Most, Ep #4

So many of us get charged up and rattle off an impressive list of goals but then struggle to follow through. The disconnect between creating and accomplishing is where life change gets stuck. Months pass and we realize our lives are…

Top 10 Most Read Posts of 2015

We spend a lot of time researching topics and discovering opportunities that our clients should be thinking about. Many of these include ways to better optimize your financial situation so that it is structured as efficiently as it can be…

Am I Saving Enough? Here’s How to Tell, Ep #1

During our first meeting, a 55-year-old couple asked, “How do you think we’re doing for people our age? Are we saving enough?” This is a good question, one I’m often asked. People want to know how they measure up. They…

Free Lunch Can Have A Very High Cost

Maybe you’ve had a similar conversation. While listening you hear, “I got a flier in the mail inviting us to a free lunch where we can hear how to get a guaranteed X% return on our portfolio.” I also remember hearing the wisdom from…

Baby on the Way? 5 Tips to be Better Prepared

Do you remember how you felt upon finding out you were having a baby? Our journey began 5 years ago. We were filled with the excitement of all new parents. My wife even recorded my reaction when she told me she…

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We break down some of the most important questions we are asked on a regular basis.

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