credit: jepoirrier

Avoiding Scams

We work hard to build wealth for our clients while fostering an honest and open stream of communication about their financial situations. As a result, it is upsetting to us when we see deceptive marketing practices to sell investment products or promote undesirable lending practices.

Financial Celebrities

Many of our new clients tell us they found out about fee only financial planning by listening to talk radio or watching their favorite financial pundit on television. Media personalities such as Suze Orman, Clark Howard, and Dave Ramsey do…

This Little Piggy Goes to the Market…

When we start working with a new client, one of the first steps is typically consolidating the number of accounts they have outstanding.  In our experience this makes your finances easier to manage by reducing the mental accounting that needs…

Balancing Tax & Investment Decisions

While we emphasize the importance of annual tax planning, it’s also important to not let tax avoidance override your other financial goals.  Liz Davidson, of, wrote a nice piece describing how people lose money when they let tax issues…

Investigate Your Target-Date Funds

If you invest in your employer sponsored retirement plan you have probably heard of Target-Date funds.  These funds are characterized as investments that change the allocation of stocks, bonds, and cash according to your specified retirement date.  In theory, these…

Understanding Morningstar Star Ratings

When selecting mutual funds to use in our client’s accounts we use various quantitative and qualitative factors to evaluate if we believe a fund can add value.  Morningstar is the most widely used source of mutual fund data and analysis,…

Fund Performance Linked to Management Ownership

When researching mutual funds to invest client funds, we evaluate numerous aspects including (just to name a few): corporate culture manager experience compensation research philosophy expenses management ownership Naturally, one of our primary concerns is that fund managers have their interests…

Thinking Outside the 529 Box

Naturally parents want to provide the best for their children. For many parents today this means paying for them to earn a college degree. This is an admirable goal, and one that their children will greatly appreciate when they graduate free from student loan debt. But what does saving for the ever-rising cost of college tuition mean for their other lifestyle goals?

When Your 401k Match is Suspended

In the current economic environment employers are evaluating all of their cost cutting options, which may lead to suspending or reducing their 401k match. Here are some questions you should ask yourself when deciding if you should continue contributing to your 401k plan.

Download our 5 Questions to Ask Your Financial Advisor eBook

We break down some of the most important questions we are asked on a regular basis.

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