Top 10 Most Read Posts of 2016

Angela Keeley-White


We spend a lot of time researching topics throughout the year to share with our clients. We thought you may be interested in reading our top 10 most read blog posts from 2016 in case you missed any that we published throughout the year:

10. What Is the Secret to Early Retirement?

As financial planners, we are asked this question in some form on a regular basis. Many times clients are hoping for a hot stock tip, investment or tax strategy that will pad their investment portfolio and spare them the chore of saving diligently. I am going to share with you the secret to early retirement and financial security.

9. Don’t Be an Average Investor

It’s when events fall short of our expectations where our patience can run thin and our “do something” alarm begins sounding. When this type of decision making is applied to investing, it’s likely you find an average investor.

8. Retirement: What’s your magic number?

A few years ago there was a popular commercial about retirement. The ad featured people walking around town with their “number” over their heads.  The number reflected how much they needed to save in order to retire.  The commercial was very compelling because it really made people think, “how much do I need to have in order to retire?”

7. Investing Is A Lot Like Jeans…

It isn’t uncommon to ask yourself, “Why doesn’t everyone just hold the same investments, since we all want to make money?” However, the process of creating and maintaining an investment portfolio is everything but one-size-fits-all.

6. 6 Missed Opportunites to Avoid With Your 401k

You ever have that feeling? Where you wonder if you’re making the right decisions with your 401k? Asking yourself questions like: Am I taking too much risk? Maybe I’m not taking enough? Should I be contributing to my Roth 401k?

5. Top 10 Economic Stories of 2015

As we did in 2014, Financial Symmetry has covered several current events on our blog throughout 2015, and here are what we think the Top 10 Economic Stories of the Year have been.

4. Cameron Hendricks, CFP® Becomes Partner at Financial Symmetry

Cameron Hendricks, CFP® has become the newest partner at Financial Symmetry, Inc., a locally-owned, fee-only financial planning and investment management firm

3. The Benefits of Working with a Younger Financial Advisor

If we look like we could be your son or daughter, then you are likely on the right track to finding a financial advisor to form a relationship with. While we may look young, that doesn’t mean we are inexperienced or harder to relate to. Let me explain.

2. The Importance of Financial Planning

When major life events occur, you might wonder “What will this change bring?” or “Can we afford this?” Both of these questions can be answered with the help of a financial planner. Conversations with a financial planner help you take that next step – the one you’ve been meaning to get done for some time.  This is thanks to the inherent accountability that comes with keeping hard to implement tasks top of mind.

1. How Much is a Financial Advisor Worth? Three Percentage Points According to Vanguard

Is a financial advisor’s fee worth it? Couldn’t you do better job managing your own investments and avoiding that cost? According to Vanguard, the leader in do-it-yourself (DIY) investing, they believe a financial advisor can add approximately three percentage points to a client’s investment returns per year.


You can sign up here now to get a weekly summary of our posts here so you don’t miss any in 2017.

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January 9, 2017

Angela Keeley-White is our Client Service Manager. She is responsible for managing our firm’s client communications, social media content, digital initiatives, and onboarding new clients.

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