July 4, 2016

It’s The Little Things, Ep #12

Mike Eklund

Chad Smith

32124401_sIt’s the little things. From Tom Brady to Nick Saban, high performers tout their focus on the small details as the secret to their success. Little things make up the big things.

But doing the little things is easy to overlook. We instead focus on finding ways to cut costs vs. inching up your 401k contribution 1% each year.

Paying Attention to the Little Things

Automating your savings is one we often see missed. Business takes precedence and time fast forwards before critical financial decisions are made.

That’s because financial inertia is one of the biggest road blocks to making financial progress. Reading about mega-backdoor Roth contributions, but never starting, doesn’t improve your financial life. You gain knowledge but without implementing a few clicks or little things, it doesn’t get done.

In this episode, Mike and Chad discuss a “Top 10 Ode to David Letterman” of little things you can do immediately to tighten up your financial picture that they often see missed.

Items mentioned in this episode:

  • Ways to assure you are saving monthly
  • Avoiding lifestyle creep
  • Why You Should Investigate your HSA
  • Adding an Annual 401k review to your list
  • Do you have enough term life insurance?
  • What to do when claiming Social Security to early
  • How to prioritize debt payments with investing in your accounts
  • Moneyball
  • Malcom Gladwell’s “Tipping Point”

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July 4, 2016


Mike Eklund is a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ practitioner. In addition, he has an MBA in Finance and the Chartered Retirement Planning Counselor designation. He is an active member of NAPFA, is the co-host of Financial Symmetry’s podcast, and has been quoted in various industry publications.

Chad Smith is a Certified Financial Planner™. He is an active member of NAPFA, the Financial Planning Association, and FPA’s NexGen. He has been quoted and appeared on WSJ.com, Bloomberg.com, Businessweek.com, Msn.com, Financial Planning Magazine, Triangle Business Journal, and Investment News.

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