December 5, 2022

2023 Contribution Limits

Darian Billingsley

Grace Kvantas

For 2023, there are several material contribution limit increases across retirement accounts.

A very good practice is to contribute enough of your salary to receive at least the employer match. Also, pay raises often present an easy opportunity to increase your deferral, while reducing your adjusted gross income.

If you will be celebrating your 50th birthday this year, it is also a good time to make sure that your HR Department enables the ‘catch-up’ provision on your employer sponsored plan. This will help you meet the maximum contribution limits throughout the year.

The 2023 contribution limits for nearly all types of retirement plans are listed in the following chart [download in PDF form here]:

Qualified Plans
401k, Roth 401k, and 403b plans
Catch-up for ages 50 & over
457 Plans of tax exempt employers
Catch-up for ages 50 & over
SIMPLE IRA or SIMPLE 401k plans
Catch-up for ages 50 & over
Limits on annual additions to SEP Plans
Traditional and Roth IRAs
Catch-up for ages 50 & over
HSA – single (employer & employee)
HSA – family (employer & employee)
Catch-up for ages 55 & over

December 5, 2022

Darian is a Certified Financial Planner™ who is passionate about empowering clients to make sound financial decisions and achieve success in their finances. She enjoys building relationships with clients to address the complex financial needs of individuals and families, and craft a financial foundation for meeting their goals. As a fiduciary advisor, Darian makes it her top priority to provide transparent and unbiased advice that serves her clients’ best interest.

Grace is a partner and Certified Financial PlannerTM with over 12 years of experience in financial planning. She helps busy families and individuals plan for retirement, save taxes, and simplify their financial life.

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